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The Lost Art of Wandering Without A Purpose

Gabriella Di Dea

by Gabriella Di Dea

Graphic by Emily Carmichael
Graphic by Emily Carmichael

I have a confession. Well, it’s less of a confession and more of a complaint. And it’s not even that unique, as I’m almost certain everyone can relate. I loathe the cold weather we’ve been having.

Not just because I can’t step outside without two layers under my puffer, plus a scarf, hat, and gloves. To say I miss warm weather is an understatement. Really, what I miss is the freedom that warm weather brings—the freedom to do whatever you want, whenever you want, wherever you want.

Well, let me back up. As college students, we don’t always have endless free time to do whatever, whenever, wherever. But in the free time we do have, living in a city like Boston makes it feel like the world is our oyster—so we should do all we can to explore it.

I miss warm weather mostly because of the walks I would take—whether alone, on the phone with my favorite people from back home, or with friends. And I should clarify: these weren’t just about getting my steps in, though that was an added bonus. What can I say? I love closing my activity ring! 

Really though, being able to step outside into the fresh air and use nothing but my own two feet to take me anywhere—without a destination or definitive purpose—was freeing, cathartic, and therapeutic. With each step on the pavement, I realized that many of us have lost the art of wandering without a purpose.

Even the trend of "hot girl walks" has a purpose—fitness. And I’m not saying hot girl walks are bad or that you shouldn’t do them (again, get those steps in!). But not every walk needs to have a goal.

Stepping outside without counting miles, tracking an audiobook, or focusing on productivity—just walking to connect with the world around you—is something I know I need to stop taking for granted. And so do you.

Hustle culture constantly tells us we should always be doing something productive, checking something off a to-do list. But I’m here to tell you that walking around without an exact plan or outcome in mind can be just as fulfilling—if not more—than walking with a set purpose.

So, as soon as the forecast shows temperatures above freezing (I’m still a little salty at Punxsutawney Phil—why couldn’t he have just turned around and seen his shadow?), I encourage you to try it.

Go outside. Walk around. Wander, if you will, without a purpose. You might just find the purpose you were looking for along the way.



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