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STEM x Sorority

Caroline Kawabe

Rigorous academia and a community of girlhood go hand in hand

By Caroline Kawabe

Graphic By Sarah Tocci

We all know the traditional stereotypes and stigma surrounding Greek life and sororities. Being a “sorority girl” can often be used as an insult or a comparison to a kind of “girly airhead.” However, I have found the reality to be quite the opposite. Ever since joining Greek life, I have constantly found myself surrounded by some of the smartest women I have ever met.  

One thing I found particularly interesting is that many of them are actually on the pre-med track or are STEM majors. As I got closer to these girls, my admiration for them only continued to grow. The way they balance their sorority commitments with a rigorous academic schedule is mind-blowing.

Kristina Alsante (CAS ‘25) is one of these girls. Since freshman year, she has been balancing her biology major and Delta Gamma membership.

“Balancing school and Greek life can seem like a challenge,” Alsante acknowledged, “but I have found it to be very manageable.” What has been crucial for her is the support and understanding of her sorority sisters. Alsante highlights that academic priorities always come first within Delta Gamma, which eases the pressure during demanding times. “Whenever I feel impacted by my school load,” she explained, “I know my sisters are incredibly understanding and supportive.”

Similarly, Quince Young (CAS ‘25), a neuroscience major in Delta Gamma, found the decision to join Greek life incredibly beneficial to her studies.

“Before joining Greek life, I isolated myself and studied alone,” Young recalled. This approach, unfortunately, took quite a toll on her mental health. However, Young found that going through recruitment opened doors to a larger support network. She quickly met many girls in the same STEM classes with similar academic and career goals. Young notes that they all truly encourage each other to excel. “The STEM community in Greek life could not have been better for helping improve my mental health and academia,” Young said.

Navigating college, especially at an academically rigorous school like BU, can feel extremely daunting. Because STEM is traditionally thought to be a male-dominated field, women in STEM can feel a tendency to isolate or go about everything alone. On the other hand, women in Greek life often face a stigma or stereotype that they’re not much more than a party girl or a pretty face. However, these two seemingly opposite interests can actually go a long way in helping break each other’s stereotypes. 

At BU, I have met more girls in my sorority who are STEM majors than not. The way that these two activities can be so mutually beneficial is something I am proud to acknowledge and facilitate.

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