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Most of Us Aren’t Breathing Correctly!  

Khushi Mirpuri 

Breathwork makes the dream work.

by Khushi Mirpuri 

Graphic by Sarah Tocci

Studying the art of breath has always been a part of my culture. I’m grateful for that because, without the openness to developing this skill, I wouldn’t be able to channel my energy in the best way. Now, one of my daily practices is waking up relaxed and taking deep breaths so I can go through my day feeling like a true meditation expert.

The feeling of being rushed and worried is common among college students, but breathing correctly can help calm the chaos. Breathing happens automatically—we do it every moment of our lives. Although we rarely pause to consider it, most of us are unaware of the impact it can have on our overall health. Breathing plays a crucial role beyond just supplying oxygen.

Mindful breathing is a deliberate conscious form of breathing, specifically being aware of your breath. Through it, you gain the power to alter your mental state and, in turn, your overall health. 

Conscious breathing can bring immediate calmness and form a steady state, whether you are on a bus, feeling anxious before an exam, or even struggling to fall asleep. The benefits of breathing properly are not only examined by scientists but also through personal experiences. That’s why “calm down and take a deep breath” is such a common suggestion at an anxious time.

Breathing involves more than just your lungs; it also involves the diaphragm, the ribs, and the muscles of the abdomen and neck. When we inhale, the diaphragm contracts and moves downward, drawing air into the lungs. At the same time, the ribcage expands to provide the lungs with enough space to fill with air. When you exhale, the diaphragm relaxes and moves upward, pushing the used air out of the lungs. Our whole body works in unison to provide us with the luxury of calming down. 

Contrary to popular belief, the act of exhalation is vitally important; the more stale air exhaled, the more fresh air is in turn inhaled. In Yogic breathing, the emphasis is laid on prolonged retention and exhalation due to this importance

When you breathe mindfully, you give your mind something neutral to focus on, reducing stress-inducing thoughts. Just like any other skill, learning the art of proper breathing takes consistent practice; the more you practice, the more you’ll notice the positive impacts! 

To become more aware of your breathing, try these mindful breathing techniques:

  1. Place one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen. As you breathe, notice which hand rises more. If it's the hand on your chest, bring your focus to engaging your diaphragm with each additional breath.

  2. The method of 4/7/8 Breathing: Inhale through the nose for 4 seconds, hold the breath for 7 seconds, and exhale through the mouth for 8 seconds. It's designed to bring a state of calm. 

  3. Box breathing: Also known as square breathing, this technique involves inhaling, holding the breath, exhaling, and pausing for an equal number of counts (usually four). It's incredibly effective for calming nerves.

  4. Alternate nasal breathing: This involves breathing in through one nostril, while closing the other with a finger and then exhaling through the other nostril.


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