Learning to be on Your Own In College
How to enjoy your own company and why college is the best place to do so
by Richa Jindal

Valentine’s Day falls on a long weekend this semester, and the buzz around it is endless. Even though I have a long-distance boyfriend, I’m spending it alone –or probably with my Galentines. We could have met, but we’re not. If there’s one thing college has taught me over the past three years, it is how to love being on my own.
Eating alone in the dining hall or going on a solo date can feel intimidating at first. However, once you find peace in doing those things, it’s liberating. College is a precious time when you only have to focus on yourself. There’s no pressure to please anyone, no strict standards of validation, no endless chores – everything you do is for you. You're launching into a world that you create for yourself. It’s important to go out, make friends, and experience all of the college jazz it's equally valuable to understand yourself, spend time alone, and nurture the only ever-lasting relationship you will have: the one with yourself.
Spending time alone strengthens your relationships. The more you work on yourself, the more people around you admire and learn from you. When you grow, those around you grow too: think about a time when your friend picked up a skill or had wise revelations – didn’t that inspire or not benefit you?
It's easy to feel lonely in college, but when you water your internal environment, external circumstances matter less. Take refreshing walks, work out, cook comfort meals for yourself– do whatever makes you feel proud and fulfilled. Don’t know what that is yet? Even more exciting. College is the perfect place to try new things!
At the end of the day, after completing classes, meeting new people, and trying to survive your new life in college, you come home to yourself. Let that always be the best part of your day.