Is There Such a Thing as Being Too Social?
Being Too Popular…
by Khushi Mirpuri

Do you ever notice that you put others above yourself? You might feel as though you are experiencing burnout, resentment, and even anxiety. It is so common to feel over-stimulated from constantly being around people and not taking a moment for yourself. This can lead to mood fluctuations, changes in sleep cycles, and people-pleasing tendencies.
I consider myself an extrovert, yet an introvert at heart. Even though I try to create a balance, I often feel as though I am not being completely authentic with the people around me. By practicing awareness and learning to put myself first instead of always giving, I have been able to reflect and understand what I can truly handle.
Learning how to balance your social life and academic responsibilities is one of the hardest parts of college–after all, we are surrounded by our friends all the time. When you add on academic and career challenges, this can cause you to feel as though you are drowning. It is important to reflect on the challenges that come from within, but also externally. By using this as a form of meditation you can better understand how the world around you affects the balance of your chi, process how that impacts your life, and the way you present yourself to the world.
This is the time to network and maintain relationships, but we also have to maintain a relationship with ourselves. To be well-rounded in our thinking and in how we react to our surroundings, it is essential to foster a connection to our inner soul. This relationship can be formed in many ways and depends on the individual. As human beings, we often distract ourselves from doing anything that can be deemed as hard–but getting to know ourselves is especially significant to our lives and the direction we go in. We are constantly evolving with our surroundings and experiences, making self-awareness a continuous process.
Being too social can negatively impact our personal brand because it doesn’t give us time to stop and think for ourselves. Piggybacking on other people isn’t sustainable, and we often get too comfortable always being in a group. Independence can be cultivated from within. Confidence is key and it is what sets us apart, driving us to a brighter future of calmness and balance.
Have you ever heard of solo dates? I love the concept of treating yourself and doing what you most love to be present in your own life. This is my favorite way to practice independence and take a break from society. It can be as simple as going for a walk, reading a book at a coffee shop, or even something as traditional as taking yourself to the movies. Once you do this, you start to feel a sense of empowerment and you learn a lot about yourself from a different perspective. So go out explore Boston, practice self-awareness, and treat yourself. You deserve it!