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George Sherman Union Gets a Makeover

Site Admin

by Jazzy Gray

photo by Isabelle Yap

As you may have noticed, our beloved George Sherman Union (GSU) is undergoing renovations that are expected to be completed this upcoming 2020 Fall Semester.

So far, there has been a considerable amount of mystery surrounding the new renovations but we are here to demystify some of the upcoming changes.

Last December, BU announced its plans to update the hub of Central Campus. According to BU Campus Plans & Operations, the new plans seek to open space for “customers” and “seating” while creating new “self-supported retail venues” such as mobile ordering.

Construction is currently scheduled to continue throughout the rest of the spring and summer before finishing in the fall.

Unfortunately, some students find the timing — and expenses — undesirable.

A Warren Tower floor representative, Joymarie Puskadi (CAS ‘23) said, “It’s unnecessary and the school should be listening to the actual complaints of the campus.”

The renovations have caused several closings, least of which include Pinkberry, which has already been removed. Copper Kettle Soups also closed although it is unclear whether this will reopen within the renovated space.

Freshman Elizabeth Egan (COM ‘23) expressed, “I’m excited to see how the GSU changes, but the soup was my favorite.”

Panda Express also closed down but this is only temporary; the infamous American Chinese food chain is expected to reopen at the end of February.

The closing of GSU’s student-favorites has not been the only concern. It is unclear exactly how much this renovation will cost; BU has not been very forthcoming about its budget and students are definitely worried.

Another freshman, Xiang Du (CAS’23) shared his concern about the renovation in terms of his own economic priorities.

“I don’t want our tuition to be too high.” He continued to express that he did not want his tuition to be affected by, what he called, a “ridiculous excuse.”

Many find the closings inconvenient, especially those who rely on dining points. Aline Tellstone (CAS ‘23) said, “I’m on a plan that specifically gives me more dining points than meals and these renovations severely limit my options.”

On a more positive note, the new renovations also include a new restaurant for Terriers, which students are very excited about. Takin’ it to the Street will be open for the first time on Monday, February 10th. According to the Daily Free Press, Takin’ it to the Street will feature street food from around the word on an ever-evolving menu.

BU claims the new renovations will improve sustainability. BU dining services said that the plans will implement “sustainable dining” and “expanded systems for recycling compostable items.”

The GSU was last renovated in 1933. However, it seems that decades are still too short a time.

All non-urgent questions about the renovations project can be asked using this question forum.

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