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by Connyr Lu

Photo courtesy of Kim-Sarah I

At the intersection of Newbury Street and Hereford Street lies Felicia’s Cosmetics, a small shop located on the second floor of the corner building buried in construction. The space is small, but homey, with walls lined neatly with all kinds of skincare and beauty products. The windows allow natural light to fill the entire space, and Felicia Kim smiles brightly as she welcomes you in.

Kim and her store have been featured in a couple of magazines—Boston Magazine and J Magazine—for being “the premiere carrier of Asian & European Spa Skin Care & Makeup products, including Asian Whitening Products, in all of Boston.” Kim has had extensive experience in the beauty industry, having spent 20-plus years at brands like Christian Dior at Saks Fifth Ave at the Prudential Center before leaving to open her own shop of curated products.

“I left because even though I love what I do and helping people with their skin, I couldn’t really do much at that kind of store,” Kim explained. “I was there to sell their products. When a new line of products came out, I had to push those products even if they wouldn’t really help a specific client.”

When I asked Felicia what was wrong with my skin—keep in mind that I didn’t even have anything in particular I was thinking about—she almost immediately started to tell me that I had combination skin, with parts of my skin being dry while my T-zone was oily. After learning of the products that I currently use, she started to list all of the ingredients in them that were causing my skin to be so irregular.

Kim only carries spa products, the most popular brands being Jurlique and Haba. She refuses to carry products for their name; She instead cares most about the ingredients that make each product worth buying.

“Natural ingredients are the best,” she said. “Aromatherapy is very good too. Cheaper products use so many chemicals that usually cause skin problems, instead of helping solve them.”

Kim also emphasizes that when looking for new products, she tests them out on herself and waits to see if the product’s formula will cause a reaction. She suggests that the inside of your elbow and side of your neck are the most sensitive spots. So, if a product doesn’t cause irritation after 12-to-24 hours, it’s safe to use on your face.

Kim truly cares about each and every one of her clients, and makes sure to carry products that she knows are healthy and natural. If you’re looking for a personalized skincare regimen and way to try out the trends in Asian beauty, Felicia’s Cosmetics is the place for you.

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