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Coming Soon

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By Connor Lenahan 

Photography by Elisha Machado

For over a year now Boston University students have been curious about what would occupy one of the most prime spots of on-campus real estate available. After Subway moved its operations from its standalone shop at 700 Commonwealth Avenue to the joint storefront it now shares with City Convenience, a gap was left between the quick dining options for students on the go. To the right of Starbucks sat a vacant restaurant for the entire 2014-15 academic year. 

The Buzz is proud to break the news to the BU community that at long last something is going to be installed next to Starbucks in the Warren Towers complex. According to Scott Rosario of BU Dining, Basho Sushi will be opening an Express location—known officially as Basho Express—this semester. 

In even better news, Basho Express will be here quicker than expected. 

“We don’t have a definitive date yet, but we know [Basho Express] will be open in October,” said Rosario.

Basho is recognizable to students as the sushi station currently located at the GSU. Rosario described the partnership between the restaurant and the university as strong enough to increase the business to another, standalone location closer to East Campus. 

The main question on hungry Terrier minds is, of course, what will be offered at this new location? The new quick-dining option will be “as if Basho and Chipotle had a baby.”

Basho Express will primarily offer sushi wraps and bowls, similar to what they would find in the GSU. However, the difference comes from the Chipotle comparison. Much like how a customer follows an assembly line to make a custom burrito, Terriers will get to have a hand in their lunch at Basho Express. 

“Students will begin with choosing their rice—of which there will be multiple kinds—and then choose what kind of wrap they want. Traditional seaweed, for example, will be one,” Rosario said.

Despite the similarities to the Mexican fare of Chipotle, not all options carry over. While students may not be able to choose a tortilla as their wrap, some options of the inspiring chain will be making an appearance—meaning Basho Express does not cater exclusively to fans of fish.

“We are going to have chicken, steak and other meats that people could have in bowls or wraps,” said Rosario.

Once the wrap or bowl has been completed with various Asian-inspired sauces similar to Chipotle’s salsas, customers will have the option of eating in the store or taking their food to go anywhere on or off campus. But, be warned, Basho will only seat 20. 

Patrick McKay (COM ’17) expressed pure joy when told about the new location’s soon-to-come debut.

Referencing the freshness that Basho Express will bring, McKay said “no one really knows what goes into their sushi, so getting to see it in person will be great.”

Additionally, Laura LaBrecque (CAS ’18) highlighted the convenience of the second Basho.

“The GSU is always so crowded around lunch time that it almost turns people off to the idea of eating there,” she said.

Both showed interest in the proximity of Basho Express to their homes and classes.

“[I] could pick up food quickly and just bring it home. Sometimes I just want to grab something and go and not have to deal with the crowds in the dining hall,” said McKay.

Basho Express’s arrival on BU’s campus will undoubtedly change the culinary landscape of many students’ lives. With few options currently available for take-away service in an economical amount of time between classes, a fresh option is a welcome addition. The added bonus that Basho Express will be accepting BU Convenience Points in addition to cash, credit and debit cards—though not BU Dining Points—makes an already promising, quick-service outlet even faster. 

Terriers should be on the look out for more information from BU Dining in the near future about Basho Express, including the formal opening date, likely in mid-October.

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